Air Quality Impacts

SWAPE reviews air quality impact assessments prepared for proposed land use developments that are subject to CEQA review. SWAPE determines whether or not a project’s air quality impact assessment is consistent with the methodologies and criteria established by local air quality management agencies or lead agencies. SWAPE can provide the following types of services:

  • Estimate and model criteria air pollutant emissions

  • Assess compliance with local, state, and regional air quality plans and policies

  • Determine project-level impacts relating to air quality

  • Make significance determinations for land use projects pertaining to local and regional air quality

  • Identify mitigation measures to help reduce significant impacts to less than significant levels

Greenhouse Gas Impacts

CEQA requires lead agencies to consider and disclose potentially significant environmental impacts of new development projects within the state of California. SWAPE has worked with clients to ensure that impacts to global climate change are properly and adequately addressed by reviewing GHG analyses for proposed land use developments that are subject to CEQA review. SWAPE can provide the following types of services:

  • Quantify and model GHG emissions using CalEEMod and other accepted GHG calculation methods

  • Evaluate EIRs to identify discrepancies in the methods used to assess GHG emissions

  • Identify mitigation measures to help reduce significant GHG emissions to less than significant levels

  • Determine project compliance with AB 32 GHG reduction targets, GHG significance thresholds recommended by Air Quality Management Districts in California, and guidelines set forth by CEQA

Health Risk Assessment

SWAPE has calculated human exposure and lifetime health risk for over 100 projects that have undergone CEQA review. SWAPE has the capability to:

  • Quantify ambient air concentrations at sensitive receptor locations using AERSCREEN

  • Conduct construction and operational HRAs for residential, worker, and school children receptors

  • Perform health risk assessments consistent with local and regional district modeling guidelines

  • Evaluate health risk assessments contained in EIRs to determine adequacy and ensure compliance with ARB, OEHHA, and Air Quality Management District methodologies